Year of the Earth Dog: 2018 Predictions

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All pages by KatriannexVeldonxDrakul
Page last updated: Dec 31 2017
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Year of the Earth Dog predictions for 2018:
16th of February 2018 - 4th of February 2019

The 2018 Chinese Year is the 35 number in the sixty-year cycle called the third Triangle of Spiritual Affinity, which is otherwise known as the Triangle of Protectors. In this triad, the Horse and the Tiger come alongside the Dog. Each of these totem animals is responsible for a certain aspect. The Horse symbolizes wisdom, the Tiger – courage, and the Dog – protection (in the Triangle of Spiritual Affinity, the Dog is assigned the role of gatekeeper). The triad of the Dog, the Tiger and the Horse bestows peace and tranquility on humanity, and so these totem beings are considered the strongest and most humane of all the representatives of the Eastern horoscope. Tranquility is the basic characteristic of the 35th cycle, and the basis of everything can line up with this tranquility, which is the most important for each individual person.

As the Chinese horoscope assures us, during the period of the Yellow Dog’s reign, humanity will not be threatened by global catastrophes, sharp fluctuations in exchange rates, or any similar difficulties. This calm and in all respects steady stage should be devoted to the creative activity. The Dog willing supports everyone who undertakes to create love, tries to create harmony in the home, has sound friendships, develops their own personal business, with charity and other things based on the utmost integrity and humanness. It will be quite easy to gain the favor of the Yellow Dog. All that will be needed for this is to cultivate within yourself decency, goodness and humane treatment of people.

All information gathered from www.gotohoroscope.com & www.chinesehoroscope.org


Jan 28, 1960 – Feb 14, 1961
Feb 15, 1972 – Feb 2, 1973
Feb 2, 1984 – Feb 19, 1985
Feb 19, 1996 – Feb 6, 1997
Feb 7, 2008 – Jan 25, 2009
Jan 25, 2020 – Feb. 11, 2021

In order to avoid provoking the anger of the four-legged mistress of 2018, Rats will have to profoundly reassess their behavioral tactics. This reassessment will imply a complete renunciation of everything which representatives of this sign made active use of in the past. We’re talking about their notorious tendency to transfer their obligations onto others. During the year of the Yellow Dog, Rats will have to become the authors of their own fates, completely independent people, boldly looking at their upcoming day, and not expecting any help from anyone else.

Of course, it won’t be easy for Rats to completely renounce all their old habits. The Dog, for its part, will present you with the opportunity to carry out this adaptation stage in peace. It will last from the start of the Yellow Dog’s reign (from the 16th of February) until the middle of April. You should devote this time to intentional self-discovery, by finding within yourself precisely the characteristics which are in need of reconstruction. 2018 not only matters related to finances and your career, but also everything which represents your sphere of personal relationships.

The Dog is pleased by friendship and partnership, and so make an effort to maintain warm relations with your friends (or colleagues at work) by all means. While you are developing your new life axiom, you shouldn’t make your close friends puppets to bring your own lofty ambitions. Learn to divide your work and your personal life, understanding that friends are the people around whom you feel emotional comfort, and not your “serfs” who you can command ruthlessly and cynically. You will also have to understand this in matters relating to your romantic relationships. You will agree that you can’t build love, and certainly not a marriage, on communication in which one person is “lord and master”, and the other is merely a subordinate. Equality is an effective mechanism, which will lead your marriage to complete harmony.

More on Rat Horoscope


Feb 15, 1961 – Feb 4, 1962
Feb 3, 1973 – Jan 22, 1974
Feb 20, 1985 – Feb 8, 1986
Feb 7, 1997 – Jan 27, 1998
Jan 26, 2009 – Feb 13, 2010
Feb 12, 2021 – Jan 31, 2022

The Ox, will effective immediately gain respect and support from the ruler of 2018, the Yellow Dog. Although there is no direct relationship between these animals, there are quite a lot of things which connect them. Both the bull and the dog are extremely simple (in their original nature there is no space for cunning or conceit). Thus representatives of this sign are destined to acquire complete emotional comfort, confidence in their tomorrow and tranquility, which was not their lot in bygone years. The Dog, for its part, will do everything to ensure that the life path of working Bulls is not overshadowed by any hardships.

The Dog is highly appreciative of your sustainable attitude towards money (it also treats the sphere of finances in the same way – thoughtfully and seriously). As a reward for your foresightedness, you will receive a large gift from the four-legged ruler of 2018. At the start of 2018 at your workplace a busy period will arise, but you will be able to overcome it quite quickly. The production crisis will pass you by, but it will not spare your irresponsible colleagues at work. After they are fired, a number of posts will free up, and one of them will be offered to you, because your level of professionalism will have been noticed.

More on Ox Horoscope


Feb 17, 1950 – Feb 5, 1951
Feb 5, 1962 – Jan 24, 1963
Jan 23, 1974 – Feb 10, 1975
Feb 9, 1986 – Jan 28, 1987
Jan 28, 1998 – Feb 15, 1999
Feb 14, 2010 – Feb 2, 2011
Feb 1, 2022 – Jan 21, 2023

For Tigers, the period of the Yellow Dog’s rule will prove to be a difficult time, requiring a large expenditure of effort or energy. In 2018 you will continue with your astounding determination, step by step, to come closer to what you set as your primary goal during the last annual cycle. While the dog is in charge of the world, many new paths will appear before you, but you won’t take the risk of following them. Along with your path in 2018, many obstacles will arise, as well as situations which will threaten your plans. Fortunately, it is not in Tigers’ nature to capitulate in the face of failure. Having just encountered the next setback in the path, you will demonstrate all the agility of your predatory nature, and then, after eliminating this obstacle, you will continue to move forward

Tigers should not forget to control their impulsive nature. At a certain moment you will risk forgetting about family, friends, and people you care about. You can’t allow yourself to become completely estranged from them. Yes, you are good at playing solo, but in relationships with loved ones you don’t need to play at all, you need to sense that you are loved and appreciated. The best thing you can do during the first half of 2018 is to coach yourself to divide your attention evenly between your personal life and your career. The second half of the year of the Dog will be triumphal for you, and all the prior months you will have to work diligently, forgetting about rest and sleep, and also renouncing your natural inclination towards being lazy. You are advised to devote the second half of the year not too active matters, but rather to repairing your well-being. Of course, it will be quite a lot of effort for you to combine this important matter with other obligations.

More on Tiger Horoscope


Feb 6, 1951 – Jan 26, 1952
Jan 25, 1963 – Feb 12, 1964
Feb 11, 1975 – Jan 30, 1976
Jan 29, 1987 – Feb 16, 1988
Feb 16, 1999 – Feb 4, 2000
Feb 3, 2011 – Jan 22, 2012
Jan 22, 2023 – Feb 9, 2024

Modest and unambitious Rabbits will spend 2018 triumphantly. This will be possible mainly because the master of this annual cycle, the Yellow Dog, will feel special sympathy towards rabbits. The Dog is sickened by the injustice in the world, and it certainly won’t sit back and watch calmly while someone stronger and more greedy puts a spoke in helpless Rabbit’s wheel. The Dog will take it upon itself to take care of representatives of this Eastern sign, and it won’t be hard for Rabbits to make the best use of such a favorable situation. Those who go boldly into battle right from the first ten-day period of 2018 will prove to be right, coming closer and closer to victory each day. Everything Rabbits have dreamed of, everything they have constantly put off on account of their intense modesty could come about in the year of the Yellow Dog. The main condition which Rabbits must observe in order to do this is to sincerely believe in themselves, to become bold and not be afraid to put forward their own initiatives.

The Dog, imperceptibly controlling the course of your life, will not allow a lack of self-confidence or pessimism to nullify the new characteristics of your personality. You will not renounce the changes with respect to initiative and decisiveness, which will become one of your triumphant victories. Incidentally, by demonstrating decisiveness and forcefulness, you will be rewriting the script of your own personal life! By putting in a lot of effort, demonstrating real miracles in the fight against themselves and their numerous complexes, Rabbits will certainly not go through 2018 with empty pockets. The moment your income grows, a number of new matters will arise before you.

More on Rabbit horoscope


Jan 27, 1952 – Feb 13, 1953
Feb 13, 1964 – Feb 1, 1965
Jan 31, 1976 – Feb 17, 1977
Feb 17, 1988 – Feb 5, 1989
Feb 5, 2000 – Jan 23, 2001
Jan 23, 2012 – Feb 9, 2013
Feb 10, 2024 – Jan 28, 2025

The wise and sensible Dog, who will have to control humanity in 2018, appreciates determined, honest people, which all the people born under the sign of the Dragon are. The Dog will offer support and aid to each Dragon, becoming somewhat like a life-jacket in the ocean of mundane troubles. The only thing which the Dog cannot help its fosterlings with is an inspiration. With such a down-to-earth nature, the Dog is not capable of creating, which means that even Dragons who think in unorthodox ways will have to spend the whole of 2018 without major flights of fantasy. Dragons will only be able to overcome this down-to-earth attitude after they make use of someone else’s creative ideas. That is, in order to have major success in the year governed by the Yellow Dog, Dragons should look more openly at the world around them, and find some like-minded people.

Yes, the Yellow Dog will be very good towards you, but will only be able to make the best use of its goodness once you give priority back to teamwork. You will have to create a “team” not only in professional matters, but also in matters of a personal nature. Get hold of as many friends as possible, talk openly to everyone you are interested in, and of course, be inspired by everything you learn from your new acquaintances. New acquaintances will help Dragons not only to make their life brighter and richer, but will also force them to reassess their ego. Your self-esteem will grow significantly, and alongside it, it will become more likely that you will finally stop running away from the interest that you are shown from others.

More on Dragon horoscope


Feb 14, 1953 – Feb 2, 1954
Feb 2, 1965 – Jan 20, 1966
Feb 18, 1977 – Feb 6, 1978
Feb 6, 1989 – Jan 26, 1990
Jan 24, 2001 – Feb 11, 2002
Feb 10, 2013 – Jan 30, 2014
Jan 29, 2025 – Feb 16, 2026

Snakes will live the next few months paying careful attention to what those around them say and think. These traits in Snakes’ character will appear only now, during the period when the strict and demanding Yellow Dog is ruling. There will not be friendship between these animals from the very start, the moment the Dog takes over control of our planet. The four-legged master of 2018 requires only one thing from all the signs of the Chinese horoscope – extreme honesty with themselves and the world around. Snakes, of course, are not accustomed to behaving in this way, and it is much more convenient for them to pursue their own goals, using stealth, cleverly manipulating those around them. The Dog will nip such attempts in the bud, and already at the start of 2018 will learn a lesson about the inherent dangers of self-serving behavior. Taking this lesson to heart, Snakes will decide that the time has really come for them to change their cunning character.

In 2018 many things will change in the lives of single Snakes. Having recognized that your traditional script “I came, I saw, I conquered,” is no longer relevant. Your goal will be extremely clear to you, and you will take it upon yourself to eradicate your conceit, egoism and vanity. Very soon everyone you know well will note the metamorphoses taking place in your character. You will devote the entire first half of 2018 to isolating yourself for a while, renouncing your social life and delving deep into the abyss of reflection.

More on Snake horoscope


Feb 3, 1954 – Jan 23, 1955
Jan 21, 1966 – Feb 8, 1967
Feb 7, 1978 – Jan 27, 1979
Jan 27, 1990 – Feb 14, 1991
Feb 12, 2002 – Jan 31, 2003
Jan 31, 2014 – Feb 18, 2015
Feb 17, 2026 – Feb 5, 2027

Nobility and wisdom are abundantly present in Horses’ character, and the Yellow Dog, who will have to control 2018, will appreciate these traits to the utmost. From this totem creature, there are very few who receive recognition for all their obvious merits, and so Horses can be counted lucky in this respect. The Dog will take it upon itself to neutralize these obstacles, giving you the right to achieve everything you set as your primary goal smoothly, one step at a time.

In 2018, many things will depend on your desires not only in personal matters, but also in developments in your career. Those Horses who are not willing to make any sacrifices for the sake of their success will not be making a mistake either. At any rate, you will still go through 2018 knowing that you have achieved a lot in the months gone by.

More on Horse horoscope


Jan 24, 1955 – Feb 11, 1956
Feb 9, 1967 – Jan 29, 1968
Jan 28, 1979 – Feb 15, 1980
Feb 15, 1991 – Feb 3, 1992
Feb 1, 2003 – Jan 21, 2004
Feb 19, 2015 – Feb 7, 2016
Feb 6, 2027 – Jan 25, 2028

In the year of the Dog, Goats will not manage to bound along fervently, forgetting about business and activities which require extreme seriousness. The master of 2018 is extremely strict, and resents everyone who treats life superficially. No, it does not punish them, more likely the dog wants to calm down frivolous goats, in order to send each representative of this sign small tasks which demand a very thoughtful response. Among these tasks there will be a difficult question involving Goats’ careers, as well as their personal life and finances. Representatives of this sign probably won’t be able to avoid the necessity to deal with something urgently in the mentioned aspects of their existence. On the other hand, those of them who find their direction in life quickly will be shown colossal aid by the Yellow Dog. It will do everything to ensure that the new goals of each specific goat do not encounter obstacles or setbacks.

during the first ten-day period of the year of the Dog, Goats will have to determine clearly what their future life path is going to be, and how much effort they are willing to invest in their own bright future. These questions will not arise on their own. They will be preceded by serious circumstances. The horoscope tells about this in detail, of course, but Goats need to know what to do the moment their calm and prosperous life suddenly does an abrupt turn, asking them many of the most difficult questions. Encountering the problem of a choice, first and foremost you shouldn’t panic, neither should you try to transfer responsibility for your fate onto someone else. If this “someone else” suggests a certain decision, there is a risk that this decision will confuse you even more. The problem of a difficult choice should be dealt with by you and you alone, paying careful attention to everything which is really dear to you.

More on Goat Horoscope


Feb 12, 1956 – Jan 30 1957
Jan 30, 1968 – Feb 16, 1969
Feb 16, 1980 – Feb 4, 1981
Feb 4, 1992 – Jan 22, 1993
Jan 22, 2004 – Feb 8, 2005
Feb 8, 2016 – Jan 27, 2017
Jan 26, 2028 – Feb 12, 2029

Mischievous monkeys are destined to spend 2018 in an unusual way. Representatives of this Chinese sign like it when things are in full swing, when developments around them change at astronomical speeds. Of course, the conservative dog, the master of this year, represents all this, but it will be quite good to the restless Monkey. It’s not without reason that the Dog will volunteer to take care of you! With such great support, you won’t have to worry much about the success of your creative idea. The Dog (more accurately, the people you meet thanks to the Dog) will do everything to ensure that you are able to create in peace, without worrying about everyday life, money problems or similar trivia. Of course, at this very moment your natural laziness could interfere with things. Don’t let it come near your initiatives, otherwise they will get stuck at the “I’ll definitely get around to this sometime” stage. Seize the moment, create, and develop your natural talent.

More on Monkey horoscope


Jan 31, 1957 – Feb 17, 1958
Feb 17, 1969 – Feb 5, 1970
Feb 5, 1981 – Jan 24, 1982
Jan 23, 1993 – Feb 9, 1994
Feb 9, 2005 – Jan 28, 2006
Jan 28, 2017 – Feb 15, 2018
Feb 13, 2029 – Feb 2, 2030

In the year of the Yellow Dog, Roosters can expect great success in all areas of life. The moment 2018 starts, Roosters will immediately understand that an era of sensational victories has begun for them, and that the master of this annual cycle will be very loyal to them. And this will really be the case, it’s not without reason that the Dog and the Rooster have many similarities. Each of these totem creatures naturally has a great capacity for work, integrity, the ability to stand up for themselves, and to stay away from carelessness. But most of all the Dog will like the fact that the wise Rooster, as it is, is accustomed to standing firmly on the ground, and not to get lost in its own thoughts. The thoroughness which is always present in the nature of representatives of this sign will be increased many times by the Rooster, which will nudge Roosters to take on a lot of new, important tasks, and immediately get started with their implementation.

With detailed planning and hard work. The Dog will, of course, volunteer to help you, but it will only give you the basic direction, and everything else you will have to do on your own. This is why it will be important for you to get rid of any shortcomings you may have. The Rooster is an impulsive and wayward creature, willing to scream and throw themselves at those who offend it for the smallest reason. In 2018, this impulsiveness could have an adverse effect on you, especially if you demonstrate it too often. Don’t lose control of yourself, learn to direct your emotions in a peaceful way, using breathing exercises and auto-training. There is another important character trait which Roosters are advised to make less apparent in their character: their desire to dominate those around them.

In 2018 your daily schedule will be very full, but it must contain some time for rest. How can you help your body recuperate as quickly and as well as possible? In order to do this it will be enough to remember your innate character. The Rooster lives on the ground, admire picturesque landscapes and does not aspire to any ridiculous pompousness. It would be very reasonable for you to spend the spring-summer season somewhere outside the city (for example, in your own cottage). In the evenings, admiring the setting sun and avidly soaking up the unique aromas of the summer meadows, you will sense the fatigue imperceptibly leaving your body, bringing you comfort and a sense of complete emotional relaxation.

More on Rooster horoscope


Feb 18, 1958 – Feb 7, 1959
Feb 6, 1970 – Jan 26, 1971
Jan 25, 1982 – Feb 12, 1983
Feb 10, 1994 – Jan 30, 1995
Jan 29, 2006 – Feb 17, 2007
Feb 16, 2018 – Feb 4, 2019
Feb 3, 2030 – Jan 22, 2031

The Dog is a Dog’s friend, and will demonstrate it in 2018. The Yellow Dog, who controls the current annual cycle, will definitely take into account its kinship with representatives of this eastern sign. It will do everything to ensure that there are neither major nor minor adversities in Dogs’ lives. Furthermore, the Yellow Dog will provide its “relatives” with calm and stability in each area of their lives. It’s another matter altogether how each individual representative of this sign will manage the calm given to them by the Dog. Of course, many of them will let themselves lose the enthusiasm which they previously strove to in their professional matters. Others will do the exact opposite, trying to use such a peaceful stage to gradually build their bright career future. One thing is clear – both careerist Dogs and Dogs who have chosen complete calm will finally have the free time to work on themselves and rectify their well-being.

Dogs have a tendency to forget about themselves for the sake of the problems and worries of the people who are near to them. 2018 will change this trend somewhat. Whether growing tired of past troubles or having objectively analyzed the state of their own body, Dogs will decide that it’s time for them to give up their inclination to live for those around them. This will be the right step, because your health is priceless. It’s important for you to learn how to be tactical and delicately motivate your refusal to help friends, loved ones and colleagues (all the people who are accustomed to using you as their personal lifeboat). These people will all definitely understand if you inform them gently of your intention to work on improving your well-being.

More on Dog horoscope


Feb 8, 1959 – Jan 27, 1960
Jan 27, 1971 – Feb 14, 1972
Feb 13, 1983 – Feb 1, 1984
Jan 31, 1995 – Feb 18, 1996
Feb 18, 2007 – Feb 6, 2008
Feb 5, 2019 – Jan 24, 2020
Jan 23, 2031 – Feb 10, 2032

The Pig will stride haughtily in 2018, not noticing that the judgmental glare of the Yellow Dog is directed against it. This judgment will become clearer and more severe from day to day, if the Pig continues to use this “policy” which has characterized it in recent annual cycles. Representatives of this sign have grown used to Fate generously giving them blessings, and that they often do not deserve these blessings. The Dog, however, is not accustomed to giving anyone anything without demanding a certain task from them. The Pig will not understand this, and will be sincerely perplexed by the fact that his life has not taken a turn for the best in 2018. And this will be at a moment when literally everything depends solely on the Pig itself! Instead of blaming everything and everyone for their failures, Pigs should leave their comfort zones and start making an active effort for the good of their bright futures. Only in this way will representatives of this sign secure the respect of the strict Dog.

It would be good if already in the first half of this annual cycle, the Pig would realize that the time has come to renounce its childish behavior. Very little will be required of you in order to eradicate this trait. First you will have to make yourself a list of all your incomplete tasks, then you need to leave your comfortable couch, in order to start working on this list. The moment you make such a decision, the Dog will immediately agree to support you.

More on Pig horoscope

All pages by KatriannexVeldonxDrakul
Page last updated: Dec 31 2017



18:18 Jan 26 2018

very informative. Thank you for sharing this.

00:10 Feb 08 2018


05:53 Mar 21 2021

Very good info

16:27 May 31 2023

very nice

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